The NovaConservative party is of the people of Canada, for the people of Canada, and for the future of Canada and Canadians.
The social conundrum
Individuals and families cannot live in isolation. We all use social services, such as roads, utilities, schools, and hospitals.
To be effective employers and employees, we must have our basic needs met. High utility costs, poor education, and poor health degrade our ability to function.
During the last few decades, traditional conservative governments have been corrupted by corporate interests. T.conservative governments no longer care about or serve Canadians. They serve the wealthy and major corporations. Even small and medium-sized business are failing under t.conservative governments.
By definition, a main priority of companies is profit. T.conservative governments have privatized social services. In doing so, the costs to Canadians has increased and government revenue has decreased. Utilities are a perfect example. Ralph Klein privatized Alberta utilities. A few years later, the cost of those utilities had tripled, and the money all went to corporate profits. The cost of every privatized service has increased, and it all made the rich richer.
To exemplify how in-bed t.conservatives are with corporations, look at where these elected officials end up. Many “find” themselves in cushy corporate jobs and on corporate boards. Obvious corruption.
Making a profit is not a crime. But privatizing societal needs so that a few can benefit at the expense of Canadians is not in the best interests of Canada or Canadians. If acting against the interests of Canada and Canadians isn’t a criminal offence, it should be. These politicians need to be in jail.
A NovaConservative government will socialize six social pillars for the benefit of Canada and Canadians.
Basic needs must not be privatized
To have a strong workforce, stable economy, stable society, and to minimize crime, some things should not be privatized: basic services and needs. If a person’s basic needs are not met, they are a detriment to others and society. They are not performing their best at work. They may become homeless. They and their children may go hungry. They may require mental health treatment. They may commit crimes. Studies have shown that it is less expensive to help struggling people and families before they become destitute.
To have a strong workforce, stable economy, stable society, and to minimize crime, some things should not be privatized: basic services and needs. If a person’s basic needs are not met, they are a detriment to others and society. They are not performing their best at work. They may become homeless. They and their children may go hungry. They may require mental health treatment. They may commit crimes. Studies have shown that it is less expensive to help struggling people and families before they become destitute.

The NovaConservative plan supports everyone.
Basic needs
- education
- healthcare
- justice
- utilities
- infrastructure
- eldercare
We live in a high-tech world. Ignorance of how the world works puts people at a disadvantage. Albertans must have access to the best education and best training in all schools, from K-12 to academic and technical post-secondary institutions. Charter schools can exist, but cannot charge extra for their specialized instruction. Curricula should be developed based on international best-practices. (The USA is not an education leader.)
The focus of high school must be to prepare young adults for everything: workplace, tech/trades, or post-secondary. In general, this means teaching the skills to be independent life-long learners.
A healthy populous is critical to a productive workforce and healthy society. A person/family who has to take care of an injured or ill family member takes many people from the workforce, is financially challenging, and is psychologically devastating. A quality robust healthcare system
Everywhere healthcare has been privatized, the cost to the government and the cost to the citizens has increased. The USA is the only industrialized nation with private healthcare, and it is also the most expensive. Americans come to Canada to buy life-saving drugs!
A NovaConservative government will restructure healthcare to prioritize patient throughput. The number of graduates from every healthcare profession will be increased to meet the needs of society.
By themselves, a healthy populous, good education, and resilient economy will reduce crime. But there will always be some people intent on harming others.
Laws must be fair and reasonable, and strive to better society. The judicial system shall focus on three fronts:
- responsive policing
- expedient processing
- custodial training
Victims want to see the perpetrator punished. Society wants to see the perpetrator rehabilitated and reintegrated into society. Custodial training programs provide perpetrators with employable knowledge and skills, which reduces recidivism. But there must be a limit to society’s patience. At some point, a habitual offender becomes a de facto danger to society and should be kept from society permanently.
Keeping perpetrators in custody is expensive, and they have time on their hands. Perpetrators should be encouraged to support themselves by participating in the custodial programs.
As noted above, utility costs have skyrocketed since they were privatized. This is due to setting the utility cost high and to imposing a multitude of bogus fees. In many cases, preventative maintenance has been cut and service reduced to emergency repairs. In some areas, one company has a near-monopoly.
Previously when state-owned, there was regular maintenance, a simple fee structure, and revenue went to fund other government programs. T.conservative governments sold or licensed utilities for one-time profit, and now exorbitant profits go to a few wealthy individuals. Major construction and major repairs are still paid for by the province, affirming the adage: privatize the profits; socialize the losses.
One statistic: it costs about one billion dollars to pave 1000 kilometers of road. A paved road requires significantly less annual maintenance, making it more cost effective long term. Alberta is 640 km wide and 1200 km long.
Alberta t.conservative governments have gone billions into into debt giving money to profitable Big Oil companies, and that money has gone straight to executive bonuses and shareholders. Alberta will never see it again. That money could easily have improved Alberta infrastructure for all Albertans, and lasted decades into the future.
Eldercare starts when a person retires from the workforce. Many people have saved funds to pay for their retirement. However, the political and economic abuses of the working class over the last decades has resulted in many people not having sufficient financial means to support them through retirement.
A NovaConservative government will supplement the Canada Pension to a living wage for elders. It is less expensive to support a person in their home over a hospital, so homecare will be expanded. Assisted living facilities will continue to provide elders with a reasonable quality of life.
With social services, there is always the potential for abuse. Anyone caught abusing the system will forfeit their means to reimburse the government for their abuse.
This page is a work-in-progress! More will be added and this page reorganized as necessary to effectively convey our philosophy. If you like what you see, donate! If you have suggestions, submit them!